Who is Harpo?

Who is Harpo?

Harpo is my cockachon shihpoo mixed dog. He was adopted from Best Friend Animal Society in 2018 at 8 years old. I was told he was an aggressive dog and was returned to the shelter multiple times. He was there for years and the volunteers were worried he'd never be adopted.
I fell in love with him right away! At first he was very shy, closed off, and scared. After lots of patience and love he turned into a sweet, loving dog. He's still scared of a lot of things but he has opened up a lot. We are always working at overcoming his fears and bringing him joy. 
Today he helps me with remote healing sessions. He likes to pick out crystals for me or sit around and assist with the energy. He even likes to sit on my family members when they have a session with me. This series of crystal guides feature Harpo because I thought it'd be a cute and fun way to incorporate him into more of my crystal healing practice. 
He is currently featured on one sticker. $1 of every sticker of his sold will be donated back to the shelter he came from. We want to honor and thank them for giving Harpo a chance. 
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