About Us

Meet your Ancestral Guide


Because of her desire to connect with her Filipino culture and heritage and a profound respect for the wisdom of her ancestors, Desiree embarked on a transformative journey to help others reconnect with their roots and unlock the timeless knowledge passed down through generations.

Desiree blends her Filipino ancestry with her natural intuitive abilities to offer unique energy readings, healing sessions, and programs to connect with your ancestors and spiritual gifts. Her unique approach involves tapping into the ancestral realm, creating a powerful conduit for passing on spiritual knowledge and healing.

At The Sacred Knowings, Desiree's ancestors play an integral role in the business, guiding and shaping the transformative experiences she offers. You'll notice ancient Filipino script throughout the website as a way to honor her ancestors.

Through energy readings and healings, individuals gain profound insights from their ancestors. Desiree's ancestor connection programs are designed to bridge the gap between the past and the present, fostering a deeper understanding and connection to your ancestors.

With a warm heart and a profound reverence for the ancestral wisdom that flows through her, Desiree invites you to embark on a sacred journey of self-discovery and healing. Through The Sacred Knowings, she invites you to reconnect with your ancestors, embrace your heritage, and experience the power of ancestral guidance.