What I learned during my Disneyland trip during a Heatwave

What I learned during my Disneyland trip during a Heatwave

What I learned during my Disneyland trip during a heatwave:


We say it all the time, but are you really listening? What is your body saying?

Some examples that came up for me throughout the day as someone with chronic pain:

-Drink water as soon as you feel thirsty. The more you wait the harder it can be on your body.

-Slow down. If you get overstimulated, take a break to breathe and recenter. Your body is processing pain plus all the extra stimuli. Take as long as you need.

-It is okay if a symptom comes up. It’s just letting you know something is up and you should take care of it. Maybe you need to eat, rest, etc. It is not your fault if this happens!

This next one didn’t apply to this trip but has applied before:

-If you need to use assistive devices or tools to make things easier, do it! There is no point in suffering to seem “normal”.

If you feel like sharing, let me know how you listened to your body this week and what was the message from it.
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