What can we learn about Harpo?

What can we learn about Harpo?

Harpo is my spiritual sidekick and employee of the month every month. He's here with me whenever there's energy work involved. If you ever had a session with me then there's a 99.9% chance that Harpo has contributed in some way.
He was adopted from Best Friend's Animal shelter 4 years ago. He was considered very aggressive and not friendly, but after some patience and love he grew to open up and be loving back.
Harpo has had a tough life growing up. He spent most his life in the shelter, returned multiple times, never given a chance, but he's still turned out to be a fun loving, happy pup.
If there's any lessons from Harpo its this: life gets better.
If there's any struggle that you are going through me and Harpo will hold space for you. We encourage you to open up and still have fun and know that we are supporting you.
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