Limited Time October Services

Limited Time October Services

Happy Fall!

I have two new limited time only services available throughout October. If you have any questions about the services, feel free to email me!


The Protection Plan: Protection practices are very important, especially if you're starting out in your spiritual journey. We will discuss any protective practices you have now, how and where it can be improved or changed, and I will even tap into your energy to add extra protective energy and even show you how to do it yourself. This is approximately 30 minutes over zoom. It can be done via email or in person as well.

Please email or DM me on instagram to set up your session. 


The Charm Reader: This is a new reading services that works sort of like tarot but with the use of bracelet charms. I will cast or draw charms for you to receive messages that you may need to hear right now. I will take pics of the charms and send you a write up of the meanings and messages over email. This one is listed under the 'Readings' section under Services tab. If needed, I can make this a zoom session or an in person session. Please email me in advanced to set it up.

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